• Breaking News

    Media Houses Literally Ignoring Journalism Ethics

    harf amrat,faaranshahid,
    I believe that journalists can’t always ensure "truth" but getting the facts right is the fundamental principle of journalism. And if we can’t certify information we should say so. Journalists must be independent voices; they must not act, formally or informally, on behalf of special groups whether political, cultural or corporate. They should be aware of the impact of their words-simple is that it should do no harm.
    This is the very absurd thing for us that media houses are ignoring journalism ethics. Meanwhile, their reporters will also do the same practice because of policy matters. In fact, a layman conceives that an agenda is at working behind. But media houses have no argue meant other that they are fighting for ‘ratings’. Recently in the event titled ‘PANAMA Leaks’, we saw no objectivity of media about the issue. Media houses which I believe that they have overlooked journalism ethics to increase their ratings and my advice is when an issue or case is pending in the apex court we should be avoided the discussion-for the sack of media trial. The language that we used In the PANAMA Leaks case was inappropriate and the aim of media houses seemed to increase their ratings only instead of focusing on professionalism and ethical values. At the same time, the most rubbish and an unfortunate thing I observed is that more time is allotted for noisy journalists. On the other hand, space for those having a serious scholarly background in connection with the media and political affairs are shrinking day by day. 
    We need a forum where complaints could be easily registered against the immorality of the media houses and journalists as well. When I’m asking for a "forum" certainly you would be thinking that why not PEMRA? But in fact, PEMRA itself is not impartial then how he can own a headache? So, an independent forum having no mutual interest can get rid of non-professionalism by media houses and the journalists.  A journalists' duty is that he should avoid involvement in news stories which they couldn’t verify and also that there is no harm in having an opinion. But professionalism is that opinion shouldn’t have any impact on the objectivity of the story. At the end coming to the point, we have to realize that policies of media houses have a direct impact on reporter’s performance. As PANAMA Leaks concern the judiciary should not be overlooked the sensationalism spread by the media as well as political gathering held outside the premises of judicial academy and the Supreme Court.

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